
Tripple Mars

Is Social Selling the Future of the eCommerce Industry?

Is Social Selling the Future of the eCommerce Industry?

The eCommerce industry was already widely popular among consumers, but the pandemic solidified its place in the retail industry, accelerating its growth. In fact, IBM’s report on the nationwide retail index emphasizes that the shift from physical stores to eCommerce was fast-tracked by roughly five years due to the pandemic. To illustrate, the consumers of department stores declined by around 60% last year, while 20% more individuals converted to online shopping.

But studies show an even more surprising trend in consumer behavior. Later’s ultimate guide to social selling revealed that social media platforms are integral in bringing in revenue for global retailers, brands, and even small businesses. In fact, reports believe that social commerce will make up 7.8% of all eCommerce sales by 2024. So if you’re an online seller, here’s what you need to know about the importance of social selling.

Why is Social Selling So Lucrative?

Social media platforms were originally developed to bring people together. But as both eCommerce and social media networks grew in popularity, companies saw an opportunity to combine both platforms. Case in point: Facebook Marketplace was created in 2016 as users were already forming and joining buy-and-sell groups on the platform. This marketplace made social selling easier since it allowed buyers and sellers to communicate through Facebook Messenger. Users could even provide ratings for sellers, which improves buyers’ confidence in their transactions. Moreover, consumers can use a wide variety of payment methods to complete the purchase.

This seamless process encouraged other social media platforms to accommodate social selling, as well. For instance, Instagram allowed influencers to provide a checkout option on their posts. Meanwhile, Snapchat has a shop button, so interested buyers can immediately purchase products advertised on the platform. These social media sites allow businesses to generate more sales with strategies, like influencer marketing and user-generated content marketing. As a result, online businesses are thriving because of social selling.

Is Social Selling the Future of eCommerce?

Due to its convenience, social selling is becoming an advantageous and profitable avenue for eCommerce retailers. Vidatec CEO Greig Johnston emphasizes that this is good news for retailers because consumers get the whole experience on social media. They can interact with sellers, buy products, and ask their questions — all on the same platform. Thus, social selling is a unique opportunity that business owners need to take advantage of.

However, South Coast Social founder Clare Groombridge warned that eCommerce sellers need to strike the right balance between all the online selling methods. Entrepreneurs must take into account their own brand’s objectives and products before plunging into different platforms. At times, forming a social selling platform and a business website is the ideal option, since it allows customers to reach the brand in multiple ways. Additionally, business owners should also consider the target market’s purchasing trends before investing in one platform. Overall, it isn’t enough to simply open multiple digital stores. Research is crucial to find the right mix of eCommerce platforms to improve business performance and boost sales.

Social selling is an integral facet of the eCommerce industry. This can open up plenty of opportunities for sellers. Business owners should consider their target market and brand to provide the best experience for their customers.

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New to Dropshipping? Ali Express or Shopify?

Are you a new dropshipper? “How do you choose the best marketplace to dropship to Ali Express or Shopify?”

As a new dropshipper, you must know that there is no point in comparing between the two platforms and you can use both extensively for your online business.

Shopify is the platform that presents your front, holds your storefront, your inventory, and manages orders.

Ali Express is a marketplace that sells products from China, it’s a similar marketplace like eBay and Amazon, Aliexpress is offering Chinese products and cheap products. 

The process of a dropshipper is that a client buys a product through your Shopify store, and you purchase the product from Ali Express and the seller from Aliexpress ships the product to the customer.

Shopify = Website, Ali Express = Supplier.

It is obvious that as a new dropshipper you can start by buying a Shopify plan and upload some nice products from Ali Express. 

There are more many considerations that a dropshipper should count on before opening an online business.


Market Research: 

Before uploading a product that you have liked or random products, you must do Market Research. 

That means to find your niche and find some products to upload and sell, you must answer a few questions before, is the product already selling? Does it have a market? Does it belong to a passionate niche? Can you easily promote it to a specific group of people? Is it too saturated or are there too many people selling the same product (competition)? What is its perceived value?

In the beginning, You can open your online store using Shopify’s free plan.

When searching for a supplier, you need to be aware of several things

First, you need to make sure that the quality of the products is at the required level.


Reputation In Ali Express:

Check the feedback on sellers in Ali Express, little search products, and sellers can help you make a decision which products or seller (supplier) is better for your online business, checking feedback will help you determine if the seller is a good fit.


Shipping terms:

Make sure to look at the shipments term from the supplier.  

What type of shipping methods do they offer? How much do they charge for shipping? 

How long will it take for them to process the order and ship the product to the customer?


dropshipping suppliers

How To Profit With Shopify As A Dropshipper in 2021? 

How to Make Money on Shopify in 2021? 

Shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms. It takes part in 20% of the market with over $100 billion in total sales.

Online sellers can easily set up and manage their own online stores using the Shopify platform.

According to Shopify’s information, there are over 1 million active stores in over 175 countries.

Here are some good ways how to profit from Shopify in 2021.

Shopify is an e-commerce seller’s platform. It adds value because of the reach features and the average price.

The Shopify platform is simple. You don’t need to be an expert to have your own store.

Their basic plan starts in the amount of $29 with many. It includes available customize.

In the Shopify app, you can find applications that can add features to your store and improve it. those applications can help you and make the experience better.

enhancing user experience, helping you become more profitable, and optimizing your store. Many of these apps are free or low-cost.

This ability to integrate your Shopify store with many tools make this all process simpler

remember the meaning of Shopify is profit, that why Shopify gives all of the tools to her costumer to succeed,

as an online seller one of the most important, this is how to manage your online store.

from sett the prices to servicing your customers.

Shopify calculator helps you make the most write data to make decisions that are writ to your business.

learn which areas of your store need to be improved and focus to optimize your profitability.

Dropshipping with Shopify

As a dropshipper, you simply need to market, acquire the customer and provide customer support, while the supplier will ship the product directly to your customer.

Benefits of Dropshipping:

Low cash flow problems, as a dropshipper you only pay the supplier after the customer has paid you for the product. And there is no need to hold a physical stock.

There are no shipping fees or logistical payments, thus the fees are low.

Low risk as a supplier, most of the time the supplier is dealing with the returns process,

The dropshipper is responsible for customer acquisition with marketing and customer support.

As a dropshipper you must pay attention to the source reliable suppliers as product quality, delivery reliability, and returns policy, that’s can make or break your reputation as an online store owner.

One risk of being a dropshipper is that your profit can below if you don’t set the right pricing strategy.

Remember to your profit as part of the process to succeed and profit more as a dropshipper.


Automated Dropshipping Shopify

How To Profit With Shopify?

What is Shopify?

let’s get to know Shopify in detail. Shopify is one of the popular eCommerce platforms, Shopify has 

1.9 million users around the world.

Shopify has become a great marketplace for drop shippers all around the world.

success does not happen by luck, for any Successful business, you must work hard.

Learn what are the advantages of Shopify.

Every business needs its tools to be more successful, depending on the business type.

those are the advantages of Shopify:
 easy Set-up: 

Shopify has made an easy start to your online store. 

With a free or paid plan, all you have to do is to make some small actions and that’s all.

Even if you don’t have any products to sell, Shopify has the solution. 

You can find great products to dropship.

companies from all sizes using Shopify service. 

that means Shopify is with you from the very beginning.

All you need to do is to select the best plan that’s fits your business on Shopify, 

 start your online adventure.

Smart Addons:

Shopify provides a simple eCommerce store. 

Then, you can enrich your store with 3rd party apps according to your needs. 

Shopify has large marketplaces for the seller.

Shopify App Store, there are over 4,500 apps for eCommerce solutions that can fit your online business.

like mobile app builders, customer loyalty, and more services that can help your business.

Large Community: Shopify has big a community platform that includes more than 70K peoples.

This community includes owners stores, eCommerce technologies developers, eCommerce agencies, and more.

 In this platform, you can find answers to almost any eCommerce question or problem. 


Shopify is a cloud service, that is means that as a seller you don’t have any maintenance costs. 

Also, you do not need uptimes or performance. It has an uptime ratio of 99.99% and with a high speed all around the world. Regardless of business or product types.

How To profit from Using Shopify?
Become a Shopify Affiliate to earn money with Shopify:

the way to gain money with Shopify is to become a Shopify Affiliate. Shopify has an established affiliate program which many people create a passive income.

It is an easy program, all you have to do is to sign up, once you get your affiliate link you can earn up to $2000.

B. Start your own eCommerce business :

Opening a basic online store with Shopify does not mean that as a seller you are going to profit.

There are many missions to do to gain the main target- profit.

the First thing that a seller must do is to:

  •  create a business plan-

value your business idea before you start your online business.

  • Define your clients and find your eCommerce niche.

Create a communication strategy and a reason for clients to buy from your online store.

  • choose your digital channels that you will promote your brand and products.
  • Define your return, payment, shipping.
  • create an affiliate program. 
  • Start your online store with a specific design and always continue with this line of design.